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IVU.crew at STI Bus AG

Thun, Switzerland


Employees Approx. 270 bus drivers
Vehicles 88 course vehicles
Transport services

17 million passengers per year
5.5 million vehicle kilometres

Operations Regional and urban bus transport

Optimise personnel deployment
Increase employee satisfaction
Increase efficiency in general
Digitalisation and automation of processes

Special features

Automatic personnel dispatch (APD)
Individualised duty allocation for request duties (IDE)
Swap platform in the employee portal

IVU products IVU.crew, IVU.pad, IVU.cloud

Initial situation

The picturesque town of Thun can be found by Lake Thun, just before the Swiss Alps. STI Bus AG (STI)'s 270 drivers ensure that reliable and customer-friendly local public transport is available in the town and the region around Castle Thun every day. In order to be able to transport passengers reliably through Thun, an efficient and flexible deployment of the driving personnel is crucial. Growing demands on the personnel dispatch system, such as optimisations and more individualised duty allocation, presented the STI dispatchers with challenges that the existing system could no longer meet.


STI plans to replace the old system and implement new software that will not only enable optimal personnel deployment for the 270 or so drivers, but also increase their satisfaction through request entries and individual duty allocations (IDE).

"Since we introduced IVU.crew our employee satisfaction has risen significantly. This is mainly due to the individualised duty allocation, which enables our colleagues to take on the majority of their preferred duties thanks to a very high degree of fulfilment."
Erich Seiler
Chief Operating Superintendent

For example, extensive pre-dispatch with annual and monthly allocations as well as shift sequence and duty schedule rosters can be created and flexibly adjusted. The APD automatically checks legal regulations such as the AZG (Swiss Working Hours Act) and the ARV (Working and Rest Hours for Professional Drivers) and includes them in the dispatch.

In addition, the STI employees can use the individualised duty allocation to place their request duties, which the APD then takes into account in the best possible way. If drivers want to swap a duty or a day off after the allocation, they can use the swap platform in the employee portal for this.


Thanks to IVU.crew, STI Bus AG can easily and efficiently dispatch all their drivers. Automatic personnel dispatch ensures significantly higher efficiency as well as stable and fair duty schedules.

At the same time, the integrated employee portal enables more transparency in dispatch and increases the satisfaction of the drivers, who can, among other things, submit requests, swap duties, and request holidays there.

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Last update: June 2022

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