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Prof. Dr Barbara Lenz

Board memberships

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)

Professional background

2021 – today Guest professor at Humboldt University Berlin
2007 – 2021 Director of the Institute of Transport Research at the German Aerospace Centre
2003 – 2021 Professor for Transport Geography, Humboldt University Berlin
2002 – 2006 Group leader „Space and Transport“, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Transport Research
2001 Habilitation, University of Stuttgart
1994 Doctorate, University of Stuttgart
1989 – 2002 Resarch Assistant, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Geography
1988 – 1989 Teacher, private "Gymnasium" Merz, Stuttgart
1986 – 1988 "Referendariat"
1975 – 1982 "Staatsexamen" in Geography and German Studies, University of Stuttgart
1973 – 1975 Apprenticeship as an editor, Verlag Waiblinger Kreiszeitung